What if

What if we suddenly saw the world with God’s eyes? What if the reality of good and evil exploded into our consciousness in a blinding flash of inspiration? What if this happened right in the middle of church? Would we fall out of our pews, bawling at our first glimpse of real beauty? Would there…

In the Negev

It’s year six and I am officially in the Negev now. And only now am I beginning to understand what is happening to me. I spent the first five years after I left the ministry lingering near the border, afraid to commit to the wilderness, looking back to Egypt and dreaming of halcyon days, fleshpots,…

Into the ethers

Apparently I did not leave enough clues that this was satire. Those familiar with my writing would know, but I have word that some did not understand this and were confused. Gay marriage has been legal now for quite a few months. Thankfully, the sanctity of my own marriage seems to be holding up under…

I know what you’re thinking

I grew up in a world where one did not miss church on Sundays. Ever. It just wasn’t done, at least not in my family. We were among the insiders of the church who never missed, gave generously, and basically ran the show. There were lesser-committed members who attended maybe half the time. They weren’t…

Goodbye, Iron Giant

Before you read this you should read “Trinket Transformation.” Saturday before last, I found a little boy under my table eating M&Ms. He was clearly eyeing my Iron Giant Action Figure. “Go ahead, you can play with it,” I said. He grabbed it and ran down the hall. I stepped to the door to watch…

Trinket Transformation

I got to design my own office when we built our church four years ago. It’s a 10′ by 10′ room with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves all around, a large window and a recessed area for a computer. In the middle is a round, wooden table that seats four. It’s a tight fit, but it works. When I…

Human bookmaking

If you absolutely must rely on generalizations to feel safe in your relationships with others, at least try not to use blunt instruments like gender, skin color, affiliation with major world religions, or nationality. If you must hem your pants don’t use a crosscut saw. At least try to find some scissors. Generalizations are a…