Take thou thy compass and describe a circle with center point A. Let this circle be called Circle A.
Neither increase nor decrease the angle of the hinge of thy compass. Let thy compass remain as it is.
Now take thy compass and place the needle at any point on the circumference of Circle A. Describe thou a second circle with center point B. Let this circle be called Circle B.
Let thy compass remain as it is.
Behold how the circumference of Circle B passes through the center point of Circle A and the circumference of Circle A through the center point of Circle B. The curtain of the Holy of Holies is before thee. Let the reader understand.
Thanks be to the Old One.
For beauty’s sake and not necessity, for desire and symmetry, for longing and for the old stories and in praise of Sister Three, place thou the needle of thy compass on either of the two points where the circumference of Circle A meet the circumference of Circle B. Describe thou a circle with center point C. Let this circle be called Circle C.
With an edge that is straight, return thou to the sacred first of the dimensions and describe three lines AB, BC, and AC.
Behold Brother Triangle. Let him be called Triangle ABC. And of his blessed tribe, this brother is an Equilateral Triangle.
Needst thou proof? Blessings upon your mind. Let not the faithful scorn you or the simple fear you. For this is your devotion. Three circles described with an unchanged compass must be identical. The radii of three identical circles must be identical. Therefore lines AB, BC, and AB are identical. Therefore Triangle ABC is equilateral.
May the Old One bless Brother Triangle, who, like Brother Fire and Sister Wind, exercises his nature as an unconscious force in our universe.
Thanks be to the Old One, the Ancient of Days, for these lesser servants.
But who, unlike Brother Fire and Sister Wind, exists nowhere in the cosmos outside the minds of conscious and curious beings who seek to imagine perfection with such desire and longing that they create Brother Triangle ex-nihilo, to the glory of the Old One.
And in a mystery as old as consciousness, we know that Brother Triangle is good.
Gordon Atkinson